Thursday, 27 March 2014

Return of the Living Dead

This past month has been very busy and very productive. I have been researching Cornish ghost stories and following on from the publication on my piece in The Spectral Times issue three on Charlotte Dymond, I have completed work on The Ghosts of Kenegie Manor and The Ghosts of Trerice Manor. I have prepped and started work on The Ghosts of Pengersick Castle and during my researches came across a ghost story that I had not heard of before, that gave birth to a Victorian parlour poem that has not seen the light of day for one hundred and thirty four years. (The illustration from the poem is above) This will be written after I have completed Pengersick Castle. I'm not saying any more about it until I have completed my research and written the piece.

This is the cover to issue four of The Spectral Times and as I write this, I am smiling from ear to ear as it contains my piece on Kenegie Manor that spans five pages and all but one of my photographs was used. I've held off so as I can post a link to it. It was launched earlier today :-) To read it on line follow the link:

Also launched this week is my brand new promotional video for Spectral Press' The Christmas Ghost Stories of Lawrence Gordon Clark. This new video sits a long side a new review that I have written for the book. This video took simply hours and hours to do as I just could not get it to how I wanted it. My wonderful wife then pointed out my flaw (TY Sam) and once I could see that then the re-editing was simple and effective.

I posted this across all my social media and the wonderful Mark Gatiss re-tweeted me (and I am still thrilled by this fact!) This has caused a lot of people to follow suit and spread the News (TY Mark Gatiss xxx). You can follow me on Twitter @thedoctor67

 Hopefully in the next few weeks I will have an exclusive interview with David Farrant of The Highgate Vampire case of the 1970s. The interview will steer well clear of this and instead look at his life and other cases .... so until next time :-)

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