Friday, 21 February 2014

The Spectral Times and Up-date

Today (February 21st) is a good day because today The Spectral Times unleashed their new issue - Issue Three Why is this so utterly making my day - well it includes my piece on the Ghost of Charlotte Dymond, whose murder I'm currently re-investigating. As some of you may know The Spectral Times published my review on The Christmas Ghost Stories of Lawrence Gordon Clark in issue Two.

The cover to issue two

The piece on Charlotte Dymond is hopefully the first in a series of articles on Haunted Cornwall :-)

The cover to issue three.

You can read issue Three here by following this link:

In my previous post I stated that my piece on The Raven would be included in issue 12 of We Belong Dead, but sadly it has now been moved to issue 13. This is cool because it gives me more time to work on Dracula's Daughter, which is taking longer than expected to research and write. I still have something in issue 12, so my 'run' is unbroken. You can get previous issue + issue 12 via links in this add:
And don't forget to follow me on Twitter @thedoctor67

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