Thursday 21 November 2013


There is a new review out for Reflections issue 18 by Bob Bellisio which has been posted on Facebook today:

Above is the full review and below is what Mr Bellisio says about my short story 'Hairy Toes' (revised & up-dated version) that is published in said issue. It is another glowing review and I am very very happy :-)

Footsteps sound again, but this time with more urgency, in Hairy Toes by Matthew Banks. They are those of a terrified boy in flight, but, to make things scarier still, we are not told from what, only that “He exists.” A graphic picture is then painted of a boy and his friends having a séance with some illicit booze in an old graveyard. It starts to rain and they are scared at what is spelled out on the ouija board. Then they panic and things go awry – very awry! This is a powerful short story. Read it. I dare you!