First up is Reflections magazine issue 19 (that sold out in a matter of days!) Issue 19 sees the publication of 'A Matter of Life for Death' and this piece is a direct follow-on to my previous published story 'Tear of Blood' in issue 17 and then anthologized in Fresh Blood. The origin of 'A Matter of Life for Death' was a resurrected version of a previously abandoned story titled "The Mating Game". It worked a lot better as the basis for this 'gothic revenge' story-line (as Steven Smith describes it) than as an attempt at an adult (erotica) story-telling!
As mentioned in my last blog issue 4 of The Spectral Times, my piece on The Ghosts of Kenegie was published with some amazing feedback . Issue 5 of The Spectral Times carries my piece on The Ghosts of Trerice Manor. Someone on Facebook commented about M. R. James with regards to this magazine and I offered to do an article for them. So for issue 6 I shall offer them The Ghosts of Pengersick Castle and A Morbid Curiosity: The Art of Montague Rhodes James. Whilst I have been doing this the idea struck me that I am following in the footsteps of William H. Paynter who was a collector of Cornish Myths and Legends, so with that in mind I contacted The Old Cornwall Society and the outcome of that is I can submit 'extended' versions of my research for publication. I have extended my piece on Charlotte Dymond and have submitted that and I have just completed a rewrite of The Ghosts of Kenegie. During my research I was informed about a coat of arms that is currently just being left to rot and I have contacted the owner to see if I can retrieve it and save it as it is an (in my opinion) important piece of Cornish history.

Below is the cover to We Belong Dead 13.
It will feature my re-examination of the Karloff/Lugosi classic The Raven. The article will possibly be split between two issues due to its length, and if this is the case, then I envision that The Invisible Ray will follow suit. I am very excited about The Raven, as I believe it is the best thing that I have written - other than Dracula's Daughter, which is taking forever to complete. I did a 40 second trailer to promote the issue & my article but Youtube slapped a copyright infringement on it, so I cannot post it here unfortunately. They did the same with a Kenneth Williams documentary video that I posted, despite it being based upon my work. [In 1998 BBC Radio Cornwall made a radio documentary based upon my researches into Kenneth Williams' time in Newquay repertory theatre, using both my written and audio material for it:
I decided to see what I had in my audio archive and to upload it - but that's another story!]
I cannot say more about We Belong Dead - but as soon as I know more, then I will update :-)