Wednesday, 14 May 2014

All Good Things: Reflections19 The Spectral Times 4 & 5 We Belong Dead 13

Well you've probably been wondering where I have been since my last post. To be honest I have been really very busy and the results of this are that there are several publications to discuss.

First up is Reflections magazine issue 19 (that sold out in a matter of days!) Issue 19 sees the publication of 'A Matter of Life for Death' and this piece is a direct follow-on to my previous published story 'Tear of Blood' in issue 17 and then anthologized in Fresh Blood. The origin of 'A Matter of Life for Death' was a resurrected version of a previously abandoned story titled "The Mating Game". It worked a lot better as the basis for this 'gothic revenge' story-line (as Steven Smith describes it) than as an attempt at an adult (erotica) story-telling!
My next story for issue 20 will be titled simply 'A Ghost Story'

As mentioned in my last blog issue 4 of The Spectral Times, my piece on The Ghosts of Kenegie was published with some amazing feedback . Issue 5 of The Spectral Times  carries my piece on The Ghosts of Trerice Manor. Someone on Facebook commented about M. R. James with regards to this magazine and I offered to do an article for them. So for issue 6 I shall offer them The Ghosts of Pengersick Castle and A Morbid Curiosity: The Art of Montague Rhodes James. Whilst I have been doing this the idea struck me that I am following in the footsteps of William H. Paynter who was a collector of Cornish Myths and Legends, so with that in mind I contacted The Old Cornwall Society and the outcome of that is I can submit 'extended' versions of my research for publication. I have extended my piece on Charlotte Dymond and have submitted that and I have just completed a rewrite of The Ghosts of Kenegie. During my research I was informed about a coat of arms that is currently just being left to rot and I have contacted the owner to see if I can retrieve it and save it as it is an (in my opinion) important piece of Cornish history.

The damaged and rotting coat of arms I am trying to save for future generations.


Below is the cover to We Belong Dead 13.

It will feature my re-examination of the Karloff/Lugosi classic The Raven. The article will possibly be split between two issues due to its length, and if this is the case, then I envision that The Invisible Ray will follow suit. I am very excited about The Raven, as I believe it is the best thing that I have written - other than Dracula's Daughter, which is taking forever to complete. I did a 40 second trailer to promote the issue & my article but Youtube slapped a copyright infringement on it, so I cannot post it here unfortunately. They did the same with a Kenneth Williams documentary video that I posted, despite it being based upon my work. [In 1998 BBC Radio Cornwall made a  radio documentary based upon my researches into Kenneth Williams' time in Newquay repertory theatre, using both my written and audio material for it: 
I decided to see what I had in my audio archive and to upload it - but that's another story!]

I cannot say more about We Belong Dead - but as soon as I know more, then I will update :-)