For many writers the highlight is seeing their work published - whether it be from a mainstream publisher, through to small magazines, newspapers and of course self-publishing! In the course of my twenty eight-ish year career I have been published in newspapers and magazines (as well as anthologies - but that is a different story.) Between 2006-2009 I was at University undertaking a combined honors degree in English and Creative Writing. Since leaving University, most of my creative work has been published in Reflections Magazine, an Exeter based magazine, edited by the fantastic Mr S M Smith. It comes out quarterly and I have been fortunate to have been a part of it since issue four.
Issue four of Reflections magazine features my story The Journal of Dr James Montague - You can read it here:
Issue five of Reflections magazine features my story First Born - You can read it here:
Issue Six of Reflections magazine features my story The Calling of Simon Heylt - You can read it here:
Issue Seven of Reflections magazine features my story Gull Cove - You can read it here:
Issue Eight of Reflections magazine features my story God and the Damned - You can read it here:
Issue Nine of Reflections magazine features my informal biography of ghost story author M R James: M R James A Ghostly Portrait - You can read it here:
From Issue ten through to issue thirteen, Reflections Magazine serialised my dissertation Morvella House. This piece was revised and extended especially for publication. It can be read here:
Issue Fourteen saw the publication of my Illiad piece titled 'A Monologue of Love' and you can read it here:
Issue Fifteen features my autobiographical sketch titled 'An Age of Innocence.'
Issue Sixteen features a new(ish) story titled 'Mirrors.'
Issue Seventeen features my story 'Tear of Blood.'
Issue Eighteen features my story 'Hairy Toes' (revised & up-dated version)
Reflections Magazine can be found on Facebook here:
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Thursday, 3 January 2013
These twenty scans represent part of the promotional work for my music 'The Gods of Goth' - name taken from an article about The Sisters of Mercy circa 1987 Melody Maker cover. My music was promoted to over 8 1/2 million people through an extensive media campaign from 1989 to 1992. This was just covering radio and newspapers only! Just think what I could have done if this was to happen in this day and age and I was twenty years younger lol
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Publishing History
Over the years, I have been published in various magazines, newspapers etc etc. Some of it is utter crap and some is not. But as a writer, you can see my development over the years: Here is my full chronology:
1984: Mora the Vampire Meets an American Woman Play.
Written, produced and directed by Matthew Banks.
1986: Disentry The Motion Play.Written, and performed by
Matthew Banks.
1986: Collaboration with Nigel Hart on song, " Stripped
" for a ' Don't Go With Strangers ' video. Written, directed and produced
by Matthew Banks.
1986: BBC Radio Cornwall
Interview. (6.11.1986.)
1987: Cornwall
Careers Services Magazine. No22 February 1987. Article. Pg. 6.
1989: Newquay Packet (Plus All Packet Papers) 25.5.'89.
Photo/feature. Pg18.
1990: BBC Radio Cornwall . Fast Forward Programme. Starting
Line Plug.
1990: Newquay Packet (Plus
All Packet Papers.) 22.2.'90. Article. Pg. 4.
1990: The Starting Line. 5.2.'90 - 5.3.'90. Original version of '
A Soldiers Song ' featured.
1990: Pirate Radio Yorkshire .
5.2.'90. Original version of 'Valium' played.
1990: BBC Radio Cornwall .
11.2.'90. Fast Forward With Justin Leigh. The Gods featured.
1990: Newquay News and
Trader. July 1990. Article. Pg. 25.
1990: Newquay Packet (Plus
All Packet Papers). 15.11.'90. Front Page Feature.
1990: Cornish Guardian.
22.11.'90. Article. Pg. 21.
1990: Newquay Packet (Plus
All Packet Papers). 1. 12. '90. Article. Pg. 2.
1990: BBC Radio Cornwall .
2.12.'90. Fast Forward With Justin Leigh. The Gods Interviewed and new version
of 'Valium' played.
1991: Newquay Packet (Plus All Packet Papers) 24.1.'91.
Photo/Feature. Pg. 2.
1991: Newquay Packet (Plus
All Packet Papers) 14.3.'91. Front Page Article.
1991: The Starting Line. 29.5.'91 - 12. 6.'91. ' Valium Edit '
& ' A Soldiers Song ' featured. The Gods were the first group/sound to be invited back onto the show and given a
double feature.
1991: Newquay News and
Trader. May 1991. Tears Kill poem published. Pg. 15.
1991: Cornish Guardian.
6.6.'91. Article. Pg. 19.
1991: Newquay News and
Trader. June 1991. Feature. Pg. 11.
1991: BBC Radio Devon . 23.6.'91.
The Gods Interviewed. ' A Soldiers Song ' played.
1991: Newquay News and
Trader. July 1991. Dreams poem published. Pg. 12.
1991: Newquay Packet (Plus
All Packet Papers). 8.8.'91. Photo/article. Pg. 3.
1991: Cornish Guardian.
15.8.91. Kim Drewett Press Release published. Pg.3
1991: Cornish Guardian.
15.8.'91. Photo/article. Pg. 22.
1991: Newquay News and
Trader. August 1991. Symphony In Blue poem published. Pg. 3.
1991: The West Briton.
22.8.'91. Article. Pg. 13.
1991: Newquay News and
Trader. August 1991. Feature. Pg. 6.
1991: Cornish Guardian.
26.9.'91. Article. Pg. 21.
1991: Newquay News and
Trader. October 1991. ' Arts Rising Star ' Photo/article. Kim Drewett. Pg. 4.
1991: Newquay News and
Trader. November 1991. Broken Blossoms poem published. Pg. 4.
1991: Newquay News and
Trader. December 1991. A Christmas Poem published. Pg. 4.
1991: Newquay News and
Trader. December 1991. Feature. Pg. 4.
1991: The Packet (Plus All
Packet Papers) 19.12.'91. Article. Pg. 9.
1992: The West Briton. 13.2.'92. Article. Pg. 13.
1992: Cornish Guardian.
26.3.'92. Newquays' Death letter published. Pg. 6.
1992: Newquay Packet (Plus
All Packet Papers) 26.3.'92. Newquays' Death letter published. Pg. 10.
1992: Cornish Guardian.
30.4.'92. Benny Hill Obituary. Pg. 7.
1992: Cornish Guardian.
7.5.'92. Pollution Blues poem published. Pg. 7.
1992: Newquay News and
Trader. June 1992. Newquays' Alleyways letter published. Pg. 4.
1992: Cornish Guardian.
25.6.'92. Newquays' Alleyways letter published. Pg. 6.
1992: Cornish Guardian.
8.10.'92. Close To Another Disaster letter published. Pg. 6.
1992: Profile for an Exhibition Leaflet. 'Kim Drewett - Portrait of an Artist'
1992: Cornish Guardian.
22.10.'92. Kenneth Williams letter published. Pg. 6.
1992: Cornish Guardian.
5.11.'92. Praise for Young Writer letter published under name of Carole
with her consent. Pg. 6.
1992: The West Briton.
12.11.'92. Kenneth Williams letter published as article. Pg. 11.
1992: The Stage And
Television Today. 12.11.'92. Kenneth Williams letter published with photo. Pg.
1992: Cornish Guardian.
26.11.'92. Our Resort Is Dead letter published. Pg. 6.
1992: BBC Radio Cornwall .
23.12.'92. Coast To Coast with Chris Blount. Interviewed About Kenneth Williams
in Newquay.
1993: The West Briton. 7.1.'93. Article about poetry. Pg.
1993: Cornish Guardian.
14.1.'93. Dreadful Sex Hunt T.V. Story letter published under the pseudonym
Iris Blewitt - a fictitious creation.
Pg. 6.
1993: Cornish Guardian.
28.1.'93. Violent Briton Letter published. Pg. 6.
1993: Cornish Guardian.
4.2.'93. No Jobs, No Money And No Future letter published under the of Edward
Leishman - a fictitious creation. Pg. 6.
1993: The West Briton.
4.2.'93. Article about poetry. Pg. 11.
1993: Newquay News and
Trader. February 1993. Article About Poetry. Pg. 4.
1993: Cornish Guardian.
18.2.'93. Article about poetry. Pg. 3.
1993: Cornish Guardian.
4.3.'93. Unjustified Rise in Council Tax letter published. Pg. 6.
1993: Cornish Guardian.
11.3.'93. Euthanasia letter published. Pg. 6.
1993: Anchor Press. Quill & Ink poetry Anthology. February
1993. Broken Blossoms published. Pg. 8.
1993: Radio Falmouth .
February 1993. Interviewed About poetry & Music. Broken Blossoms read &
Excited track played.
1993: Cornish
Guardian.20.5.'93. Time to Clamp Down On Vandals letter published under
pseudonym Edward Leishman - a fictitious creation. Pg. 6.
1993: The Packet (Plus All
Packet Papers). 24.6.'93. Article. Pg. 3.
1993: Newquay News and
Trader. July 1993. Miss Heroin poem published with footnote. Pg. 6.
1993: The West Briton.
5.8.'93. Fight This Temptation letter published under the pseudonym of Bette
Blewitt - a fictitious creation.Pg. 10.
1993: Cornish Guardian.
12.8.'93. Article about poetry. Pg. 4.
1993: The West Briton.
19.8.'93. Article About poetry. Pg. 11.
1993: The Packet (Plus All
Packet Papers) 2.9.'93. Article about poetry. Pg. 3.
1993: Cornish Guardian.
2.9.'93. Late nightclubs letter published under the pseudonym of Edward
Leishman - a fictitious creation. Pg. 6.
1993: Blue Clue Magazine. Issue 31. September '93. Music
Article. Pg. 15.
1993: Newquay News and
Trader. October 1993. Article about poetry. Pg. 7.
1993: Anchor Press. A Posy of Poems poetry anthology. October
1993. Love Is published. Pg. 12.
1993: Anchor Press. Sign Of The Times poetry anthology. October
1993. Pollution Blues published. Pg. 5.
1993: BBC Radio Cornwall .
15. 11.'93. Interviewed by Tim Hubbard about poetry. 2.15pm. Pollution Blues
1993: Plays And Players Magazine. November '93. 'Stop Messin'
About' feature on Kenneth Williams. Pg. 22/ 23. Photo/feature.
1994: Newquay News and Trader. January 1994. Restormal Kill
Newquay letter published. Pg. 10.
1994: BBC Radio Cornwall .
18. 1.'94. Interviewed By Tim Hubbard about Kenneth Williams in Newquay.
1994: Songwriting & Composing. A Magazine for International
Songwriters & Composers. 1st Quarter. Membership profile & photo. Pg.
1994: Cornish Guardian. 10.
2.'94. Town in Decline letter published under
the pseudonym of Edward Leishman - a fictitious creation. Pg. 6.
1994: Cornish Guardian.
3.3.'94. Dead Resort letter published under the pseudonym Edward Leishman - a
fictitious creation. Pg. 6.
1994: Cornish Guardian.
5.5.1994. What A Carry On Down In Newquay. Photo/feature on K.Williams. Pg. 9.
1994: Profile for Exhibition. Kim Drewett - Portrait of an Artist. (19.6.'94.)
1994: Cornish Guardian.
23.6.'94. Second Display for Kim - press release published. Pg. 2.
1994: Newquay News and
Trader. July 1994. Arts Rising Star review published. Pg. 12.
1994: Cornish Guardian.
7.7.'94. Second exhibition success review published. Pg. 2.
1994: Cornish Guardian.
4.8.'94. Poet Right On Form press release published. Pg. 2.
1994: Cornish Guardian.
11.8.'94. Mugging letter published. Pg. 6.
1994: Cornish Guardian.
25.8.'94. Negative publicity letter published. Pg. 6.
1994: Cornish Guardian.
25.8.'94. Priorities Going To Pot letter published under the pseudonym Edward
Leishman. Pg. 6.
1994: Newquay News and
Trader. September 1994. Success for Local Poet & Writer. Press Release. Pg.
1994: The West Briton.
15.9.'94. Matthew's New Work in Print press release published. Pg. 13.
1994: Cornish Guardian.
29.9.'94. Resort Brought To Its' Knees letter published. Pg. 6.
BBC Radio Cornwall .
30.9.'94. Chris Blount Show. Resort Brought To Its' Knees letter read out.
1994: Newquay News and
Trader. October 1994. Newquay in Decline letter published. Pg. 14.
1994: Newquay News and
Trader. October 1994. Restormal Kill Newquay letter published. Pg. 22.
1994: The Packet (Plus All
Packet Papers) 6.10.'94. Poet Published. Press Release. Pg. 7.
1994: Cornish Guardian.
27.10.'94. They Deserve the Heave Ho letter published. Pg. 6.
1994: BBC Radio Cornwall .
28.10.1994. Chris Blount Show. They Deserve the Heave Ho letter read out and
commented upon
1994: Newquay News and
Trader. November 1994. Arcade letter
published. Pg. 9
1994: Poetry Now. Memories of the Future poetry anthology.
September 1994. Is Love Lost published. Pg.’s 64 – 65.
1994: Newquay News and
Trader. December 1994. Christmas Community Committee letter published. Pg. 4
1994: The Packet (Plus All
Packet Papers) 8.12.'94. Poet Matthew Turns His Skills to Other Areas. Press
Release published. Pg. 18
1994: Mast Publications. A Christmas Cracker poetry anthology.
November/December 1994. A Christmas Poem published. Pg. 77.
1995: Newquay News and Trader. January 1995. Councillor
Weller - An Apology. Pg. 8.
1995: Cornish Guardian.
5.1.'95. This Bickering Must Stop letter published. Pg. 6.
1995: Newquay News and
Trader. January 1995. Cheshire Cat Column. Pg. 10. Council article.
1995: The West Briton.
5.1.1995. Dusty To record Poets Songs? Press release published. Pg. 11
1995: Newquay News and
Trader. January 1995. Press release published. Pg. 18.
1995: BBC Radio Cornwall .
6.1.'95. Chris Blount Show. Talked about my up and coming poetry anthology
1995: Pirate Radio FM January 1995. Talked about my up and coming
poetry anthology release.
1995: Anchor Books. South West Voices poetry anthology. January
1995. Lyonesse Under The Sea published. Pg. 99
1995: Newquay News and
Trader. February 1995. Press release published. Pg. 9.
1995: Newquay News and
Trader. February 1995. Cheshire Cat Column. Cinema article. Pg. 6.
1995: BBC Radio Cornwall .
24.2.'95. Chris Blount Show. Cole About Cornwall :
Newquay Episode 4.
1995: Newquay News and
Trader. March 1995. Cheshire Cat Column. Newquay Town Council/Cinema article.
Pg. 19
1995: The West Briton.
13.3.'95. Any Tales of the Supernatural letter published. Pg. 12
1995: Profile for Gallery Flyer. Kim Drewett - Portrait Of An
Artist. (22.3.'95 revised.)
1995: Cornish Guardian.
23.3.'95. They were young in the flower power era letter published. Pg. 6
1995: Cornish Guardian.
30.3.'95. £100 Charity Donation. Pg. 4.
Flickers'n'Frames Magazine. Spring 1995. #23 - 1. Poetry Reviews published. Pg.
1995: Newquay News and
Trader. April 1995. Cheshire Cat Column published. Pg. 8.
1995: Cornish Guardian.
6.4.'95. Rude Councillors letter published. Pg. 6.
1995: The West Briton.
6.4.'95. Kim Drewett press release published. Pg. 13.
1995: Mid Cornwall Advertiser. April 13th - May 18th
1995. Poetry press release published. Pg. 6.
1995: The Packet (Plus All
Packet Papers) 13.4.'95. Kim Drewett press release published. Pg. 2.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. May 1995. Sea Life Centre Photo feature. Pg. 6.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. May 1995. Lavatory Blues poem published. Pg. 18
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. June 1995. Riviera Run article published. Pg. 3.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. June 1995. Cheshire Cat Column published. Pg. 15.
1995: Cornish Guardian.
15.6.'95. Bosnia
letter published under the pseudonym Edward Leishman. Pg. 6.
1995: The Arts Review. Eton College
Ephemeral. June 17th 1995. M.R.James - An Appreciation. Pg. 7 - 10.
1995: Cornish Guardian.
29.6.1995. Council outrage - University letter published under the pseudonym
Edward Leishman. Pg. 6.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. July 1995. Kim Drewett Photo feature. Pg. 26.
1995: Cornish Guardian. 13.
7. 1995. Small Minority Of Moaners And Groaners letter published under the
pseudonym of Edward Leishman. Pg. 6.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. August 1995. Matthew Banks Photo feature. Pg. 10.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. August 1995. Cheshire Cat Column. (Big Brother article) Pg. 16.
1995: Cornish Guardian.
10.8.'95 Child Killers Must Die letter published under the pseudonym Edward
Leishman. Pg. 6.
1995: BBC Radio Cornwall .
17.8.95. Paul Wills In The Afternoon. Interviewed about published work and poem
Moon And Sun Broadcast.
1995: Mid Cornwall Advertiser. August 17th - 21st
September 1995. Kim Drewett press release published. Pg. 29.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. September 1995. Brilliant Season For Newquay photo/feature. Pg. 4.
1995: Stop Messing About. The Sid James & Kenneth Williams
Appreciation Society. Autumn Edition. Kenneth Williams In Newquay. Full
Version. Pg. 5 - 7.
1995: Flickers'n'Frames Magazine. Summer 1995. #24 - 1. Anne
Rice - Queen Of The Damned biography published. Pg. 14 - 16. Illustrated.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. October 1995. Cheshire Cat Column published. Pg. 4.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. October 1995. Pollution Blues photo feature. Pg. 17.
1995: Cornwall Arts Magazine. Autumn 1995. Out Of
This World. Kim Drewett photo feature. Pg. 8.
1995: Newquay News And
Trader. December 1995. Cheshire Cat column published. Pg. 12.
1995: Cornish Guardian.
7.12.'95. Disgusted At Ban On Shop Sign letter published under the pseudonym
Edward Leishman. Pg. 6.
1996: Newquay News And Trader. January 1996. Cheshire Cat
Column. Pg. 16.
1996: Cornish Guardian.
31.1.'96. Poetry Fame press release published. Pg. 4.
1996: Newquay News And
Trader. February 1996. 'Part Time Police ' - Cheshire Cat Column. Pg. 8.
1996: Newquay News And
Trader. February 1996. Press release published. Pg. 15.
1996: Anchor Books. Euthanasia poetry anthology. March 1996.
Alone Again published. Pg. 81.
1996: Newquay News And
Trader. April 1996. Camelot theatre Project article. Pg. 5.
1996: Cornish Guardian.
18.4.'96. View On Newquay letter published. Pg. 6.
1996: Anchor Books. Fallen Angels poetry anthology. April 1996.
Fallout published. Pg. 9.
1996: Newquay News And
Trader. May 1996. Cheshire Cat Column. (D.S.S. article.) Pg. 12.
1996: Newquay News and
Trader. June 1996. Cheshire Cat Column. Pg. 10.
1996: Camborne & Redruth
News and Trader. July 1996. Cheshire Cat Column (Big Brother Phase two)
Published. Pg. 18.
1996: Newquay News and
Trader. July 1996. Big Brother Comes To Newquay Phase two. Cheshire Cat Column.
Published. Pg. 18.
1996: Newquay News and
Trader. August 1996. Paedophillia editorial. Pg. 5.
1996: Newquay News and
Trader. September 1996. 'Dunblane' - Cheshire Cat Column. Pg. 18
1996: C.S.V. Media
Southwest. Issue 13. Summertime. 1996. Pg. 3.
1996: Camborne & Redruth
News And Trader. September 1996. Cheshire Cat Column. Pg. 18.
1996: Newquay News And
Trader. October 1996. Cheshire Cat Column. (Royalty). Pg. 7.
1996: Flickers'n'Frames Magazine. Autumn 1996. #26. Pg. 45.
Illustrated. The Piano story published.
1996: Newquay News And
Trader. November 1996. Pg. 6.
Mignon Garrett Social Evening piece published under Helen Daniels
1996: The Cornish Rascal.
Nov 9th - 22nd 1996. Photo feature. Pg. 13.
W. J. Burley transcript (edited
1997: News And Trader. January 1997. Cheshire Cat Column
(Surfers Against Sewerage) Pg. 8.
1997: News And Trader.
February 1997. Cheshire Cat Column. (Britania.) Pg. 11
1997: News And Trader. March
1997. Cheshire Cat Column. (Reply to S. A. S.) Pg. 4.
1997: Cornish Guardian. 24th
April 1997. Pg. 46. " Ghost Writers " piece published.
1997: The West Briton. 24th
April 1997. Short Cuts Page. " Ghoulish Tales Wanted."
1997: Cornish Guardian. 8th
May 1997. Pg. 28. " Plea For Ghostly Tales."
1997: News And Trader. May
1997. Pg. 17. Cheshire Cat Column.
1997: Cornish Guardian. 29th
May 1997. Pg. 6. " Exciting Venture " published.
1997: BBC Radio Cornwall .
10.6.1997. 2.30pm. " The Pool " short story broadcast.
1997: News And Trader.
October 1997. Pg. 8. " Halloween Treats " published.
1997: Truro Hospital Radio On Air & In Print Magazine. Summer/Autumn
1997. Pg. 10
Profile published.
1997: Pendragon Writers
Circle Poems & Short Stories Anthology Vol. 1.
Pg. 35 - 37.
" Hairy Toes " short story
1997: BBC Radio Cornwall .
23.12.1997. 2.30pm. " Hairy Toes " short story broadcast.
1998: News And Trader. January 1998. Pg. 8. Cheshire Cat
Column published.
1998: News And Trader.
January 1998. Pg. 16. " Akimbo " Kim Drewett Press Release published.
1998: News And Trader.
February 1998. Pg. 16. " Sex Comes To Newquay " Randy Rat Column.
1998: News And Trader. March
1998. Pg. 15. Cheshire Cat Column published.
1998: Jugular Magazine. Issue Two. 1st Quarter. 1998. Pg. 16 -
" It's In The Trees, It's coming
- An Appreciation Of M. R. James." (Full Version published.)
1998: Jugular Magazine. Issue Two. 1st
Quarter. 1998. Pg. 29.
" Anne Rice - Servant Of The
Bones." Book review published.
1998: News And Trader.
September 1998. Pg. 9. Cheshire Cat Column published.
1998: Jugular Magazine. Issue Three. Third Quarter 1998. Pg. 20
- 21.
Horror Film Techniques published.
Photo Feature.
1998: Jugular Magazine. Issue Three. Third
Quarter 1998. Pg. 24 - 26.
Homosexuality And The Vampire Film
published. Photo Feature.
1998: Truro Cathedral. National Poetry Day October 8th
1998. Poetry Reading .
1998: Sparc. Issue 4. Autumn
& Winter 1998. Pg. 2.
National Poetry Day thank you article
mentioning my name from when I read out poetry from outside Truro
Cathedral on
October 8th
1998: Enigmatic Tales. Issue No 3. December 1998. Pg. 63 - 66.
" It's In The Trees, It's
Coming..." An Appreciation Of M.R. James. Full Version Photo Feature.
1998: BBC Radio Cornwall .
31.12.1998. 3.35pm. Chris Blount Show.
Kenneth Williams In Newquay Radio
documentary broadcast.
1999: BBC Radio Cornwall . 3/01/1999. 4pm - 5pm. Cornwall 's Best With
Matthew Shepherd.
Kenneth Williams In Newquay Radio
Documentary rebroadcast.
1999: Newquay News & Trader.
January 1999. Pendragon Writers
Circle Press Release. Pg. 5.
1999: Cornish Guardian.
Thursday 7th January 1999. Pg. 6.
Pendragon Writers Circle Photo Feature.
1999: Pendragon Writers' Circle Poems & Short Stories - A
Cornish Anthology Vol. 2. Pg. 32/33.
Annabel Lee Poem published.
1999: Pendragon Writers' Circle Poems &
Short Stories - A Cornish Anthology Vol. 2. Pg. 34/36.
The Pool Short Story published.
1999: Pendragon Writers' Circle Poems &
Short Stories Anthology Vol. 2. Pg. 47
Tears Kill Poem Published.
1999: Newquay News &
Trader. March 1999. Pg. 8. Pendragon Writers Circle Press Release No2 published
1999: Newquay & District
Advertiser. March 1999. Pg. 1. Pendragon Writers Circle Press Release No2
1999: Cornish Guardian.
Thursday April 15th 1999. Pg. 10. Notice about Poetry reading.
1999: Newquay Library.
World Book Day. April 23rd 1999. Poetry Reading .
2.30 - 4.30pm.
1999: Cornish Guardian. Thursday
October 7th 1999. Pg. 13. Article based on press release for Pendragon Writers Circle .
1999: Mullion School . 6th October 1999. Seminar on Ghost Story
writing & reading.
1999: Newquay & District
Advertiser. November 1999. Pg. 10. Pendragon Press Release.
1999: The Pendragon Writers
Circle Poems & Short Stories - A Ghostly
Anthology Vol. 3. Pg. 29.
Dig poem published. Illustrated
1999: The Pendragon Writers Circle Poems &
short Stories - A Ghostly Anthology Vol. 3. Pg. 36/38. Gull Cove short
story published. Illustrated.
2000: Cornish Guardian. 3/02/00. Pg 7. Draft Press Release
2000: The West Briton.
17/02/00. Pg 4. Truro Hospital Radio press release published.
2000: Truro Hospital
Newsletter In By Friday – Out By Tuesday. 22/02/00. Truro Hospital Radio Press
release published.
2000: Truro Hospital
Radio Newsletter. Feb/April 2000. Editor
2000: Cornish Guardian.
02/03/00. Pg 4. By Election Candidates notice published.
2000: Election Campaign
Leaflet. March 2000. Wrote & edited.
2000: Cornish Guardian.
23/03/00. Pg 52. Gannel Ward By Election article published.
2000: Cornish Guardian.
30/03/00. Pg4 Dennis Back On Council article published.
2000: Newquay & District
Advertiser March 2000. Pg 11Residents
Against Two Way Traffic Proposals letter published anonymously.
2000: In by Friday, Out by
Tuesday. 4th April 2000. THR Press Release published.
2000: In by Friday, Out by
Tuesday. 25th April 2000.
THR Press Release published.
2000: Newquay News And Trader.
April 2000. Pg 3. Name mentioned in article.
2000: Newquay News And
Trader. June 2000. Pg20. Councillor Elect thank you letter published.
2000: In by Friday, Out by
Tuesday. June 6th 2000. THR
Press Release published.
2000: Vampire Over London – Bela
Lugosi In Britain By Frank
Dello Stritto & Andi
Brooks . Published by
Cult Movies Press October 2000.
Contributed to research for book.
2000: Newquay Voice
Newsletter. Oct/Nov 2000. Editor & features Cheshire Cat article.
2000: Newquay News And
Trader. November 2000. Pg3. Mentioned in article.
2001: Newquay Voice Newsletter. Jan/March 2000. Editor
& features Cheshire Cat article.
2001: The West Briton.
Thursday March 22nd 2001. Pg24. PBS press release published.
2001: Newquay News &
Trader. April 2001. Pg.28. PBS press release published.
2001: Election Campaign
Leaflet. May/June 2001. (Not used.)
2001: Election Campaign
leaflet. May/June. Introducing Matthew Banks.
2001: Election Campaign
Leaflet. May/June. Three Reasons To Vote Banks.
2001: Cornish Guardian.
Thursday June 14th 2001. Pg 30. Election Results.
2001: The West Briton.
Thursday June 14th 2001. Pg20. Election Results
2001: Newquay Voice
Newsletter. August/September 2001. Editor
2001: Old Cornwall
Volume XII No9. Autumn 2001. Pg 2 – 7. Photo feature.
Stop Messin’ About Kenneth Williams
In Newquay 1948/49
BBC Radio Cornwall .
Chris Blount Show. November 9th 2001.
Kenneth Williams In Newquay
Documentary broadcast.
2002: Cornish Guardian. Thurday September 19th
2002. Pg 4.
Piece based on press release
2002: Newquay Voice.
Wednesday September 25th 2002. Pg.19
Piece based on press release
2003: Rio Records. ‘Wow That’s What I Call Unsigned Music 2003’. June/July
‘Valium (Remix)’ track featured on
album, (Track 3).
2003: The West Briton.
Thursday July 31st 2003. Pg 63
‘Wow that’s what I call a good cd’
Magazine. August 2003. Pg
Wow That’s What I Call Un-signed’
Album reviewed.
2003: Newquay Voice.
Wednesday August 13th 2003. Pg 4
Labelled for Success. Photo feature
2003: Cornish Guardian.
Thursday August 14th 2003. Pg 33.
‘Look out for…’ piece published.
2003: Newquay Voice.
Wednesday November 26th 2003. Pg 37.
‘Poetry music & film at the
Attic’ press release published. (Brainstormed with employer)
2003: Sylvia Plath Poetry Talk. A.J.’s Attic. Friday December 5th
2003: Creative Writing Seminar. A.J.’s Attic. Tuesday December
9th 2003.
2003: Creative Writing Seminar. A.J.’s Attic. Tuesday December
16th 2003.
2003: Poetry Reading .
A.J.’s Attic. Friday December 19th 2003.
2003: Story Reading (First Born). A.J.’s Attic. Tuesday
December 23rd 2003
2003: Story Reading,(If Only). A.J.’s Attic. Tuesday December
30th 2003..
2004: Newquay Voice. Wednesday January 14th
2004. Pg 19
‘Local author to host Poe poetry
night’ press release
2004: Cornish Guardian.
Thursday January 15th 2004. Pg 6.
‘Poetry night’ press release
2004: The Stafford .
Spring 2004. Pg31
Thoughtful Pause advert published.
Brainstormed by myself & Mrs D Purchase
2004: Newquay News &
Trader. June 2004. Pg 10
Letter to the editor published.
2004: Newquay Voice.
Wednesday July 21st 2004. Pg 17
‘Now & Then’: Where Kenneth began
Messing About’ Full page photo feature.
2005: Cornish
Guardian. Thursday July 7th, 2005. Pg17
‘A Mosque Will Only Add Tension’ letter
2007: January 4th
2007. Flowers poem published
January 15th 2007. Ghost In The Hall poem published
January 21st 2007. Reality Fair poem published.
January 26th 2007. Grieve So Hard poem published.
February 2nd 2007. The Jest poem published.
February 28th 2007. The Love I Lost poem published.
March 1st 2007. Tears Kill poem published
March 4th 2007. Dreams poem published.
March 8th 2007. Symphony in Blue poem published.
March 10th 2007. Broken Blossoms poem published.
March 14th 2007. Love Is poem published.
March 17th 2007. DIG poem published.
March 27th 2007. This Is What I Want poem published.
April 25th 2007. Untitled#2 poem published.
Williams in newquay – Newquay Voice
2009: L. Turner Ed. The Lounge Companion – An Anthology of
European Creative Writing. Oxford 2009. The Journal of Dr James Montague
short story. Pg 14-21.
2010: S
M Smith Ed. Reflections Magazine. Issue Four, Winter 2010. The
Journal of Dr James Montague short story. Pg 13-16
2010. S
M Smith Ed. Reflections Magazine. Issue Five, Summer 2010. First Born
short story. Pg 4-7
2010: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Six. Summer 2010. The Calling of Simon Heylt short
Pg 22-28
2010: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Seven. Autumn 2010. Gull Cove revised short story.
Pg 23-27
2011: S M Smith Ed. Reflections Magazine. Issue
Eight. Winter 2010/2011 . God and the Damned short story.
Pg 25-30
2011: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Nine. Spring 2011 . M R James – A Ghostly Portrait biog.
Pg 26-31.
2011: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Ten. Summer 2011 . Morvella House (PT1 Prologue). Pg 5-10
2011: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Eleven. Autumn 2011 . Morvella House (PT2 Story One). Pg
2012: S M Smith Ed. Reflections Magazine. Issue
Twelve. Winter 2012 . Morvella House
(PT3 Story Two).
Pg 16-18/23-27
2012: Review The Romance of
2012: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Thirteen. Spring 2012
. Morvella House (PT4 Story Three &
Epilogue). Pg 16-18/23-26
2012: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Fourteen. Summer
2012 . A Monologue of Love. P.11-12
2012: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Fifteen. Autumn
2012. An Age of Innocence. P.13-16
2012: Saltash
Old Cornwall Society. October 22nd 2012. Talk: The Charlotte Dymond
Murder Case of 1844.
2012: The Cornish Times.
16.11.2012. ‘Saltash Old Cornwall Society’. Review of my talk to them.
2012: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Sixteen. Winter
2012. Mirrors. P. 7-12
2013: E. McNoughton Ed. We Belong Dead Magazine. Issue
9. 2013. Where does Imagination end and reality Begin? Night of the Demon /
Casting the Runes – A Comparison. P35-42
2013: S M Smith Ed. Reflections Magazine. Issue Eighteen. Summer 2013. Hairy Toes (Revised & Up-dated version.) Pg. 12-15
2013: Stavros,
Varney M.A., M.Ed, B Eds Vampire News:
The (Not So) End Times Edition VoII, Crazy Duck Press April 15th
2013. The Road to Dracula Bela Lugosi: An
Informal Portrait. Pg.126-136
2013: S M Smith Ed. Reflections
Magazine. Issue Seventeen. Spring
2013. Tear of Blood. Pg. 24-29
2013: : E. McNoughton Ed.
We Belong Dead Magazine. Issue 10 Summer 2013. The Road to Dracula (revised
version) Pg. 37-42
2013: S M Smith Ed. Reflections Magazine. Issue Eighteen. Summer 2013. Hairy Toes (Revised & Up-dated version.) Pg. 12-15
2013: E. McNaughton Ed. We
Belong Dead Magazine. Issue 11 Autumn 2013. A Catalogue of Sex, Sadism,
Homoerotica, Necrophilia and Murder: The Black Cat – Re-examining a Horror
Classic. Pg. 5-10. Illustrated
2013: Shaurette, D Ed. Fresh Blood Vampire writers Support Group Anthology Volume NO.1 October 2013 'Tear of Blood (revised & Up-dated) Pg.177-190
2013: Shaurette, D Ed. Fresh Blood Vampire writers Support Group Anthology Volume NO.1 October 2013 'Tear of Blood (revised & Up-dated) Pg.177-190
1996-2000: Truro
Hospital Radio. Frying
Tonight. 6pm – 8pm.
Presenter and producer.
1997 Only: Live 105. Frying Tonight (R.S.L. station)
Presenter and producer
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